Diane. From Chicago.
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I will soon turn 81 years old and have always been an independent person. Since the middle of March I have lost my independence because I was advised to stay home due to the Coronavirus. I used to drive two of my fourteen grandchildren to and from school, but now no school and no driving. I used to do my own shopping, but now I have family members who do that. I am fortunate one of my daughters live three houses down from me, so everyday one of my grandchildren brings me my dinner, leaving it at my front door and waves. I really miss giving them hugs and spending time at their house, playing games, watching TV or sharing meals. I keep busy reading and organizing the inside of my home like never before! I have watched more TV than I normally would, but watching the news saddens me about the number of cases and deaths this virus has brought about in our city, state and country. It makes me angry that so many people are not taking this seriously and just want to do what they want to do no matter who it affects. Reminds me of what a spoiled child does!
What is your inspiration to keep going?:
I don't want to be afraid that I will infect anyone I come into contact with, now or in the future, so I intend on following all guidelines of our city and state. I want to stay healthy so I can have gatherings at my home.
What are you grateful for at this moment?:
Grateful that my granddaughter and her husband got through having this virus without any major problems and that the rest of my family is healthy so far.
What are you most looking forward to when things "get back to normal'?:
Looking forward to holding my first great-grandchild who will be born this month. Also looking forward to my aunt's 100th Birthday in September. Celebrating somehow, someway. I want to be able to hug my autistic grandson and play "Wheel of Fortune" with him. He is having a hard time understanding why I can't come to his house or he to mine. I'm told by his mother, that from time to time he walks around his house saying " I hate this virus!" I believe this is what a lot of people think.