
Hi. I am Kaitlyn.

I like to write and tell stories. Real stories of real people.

I started People During a Pandemic to share stories of what life is like during the Coronavirus outbreak. Everyone has a unique experience to share, and I want to help tell their stories. I started by reaching out to friends and family to learn about how life was different for them now. These people are among the first stories you will see on the site. I hope to expand outside my immediate family and network of friends in the near future to hear from more people and tell their stories.

At a time when are all faced with so many uncertainties about the future and feeling weighed down by our fear of the unknown, my hope is you will read these stories and know you are not alone. I hope you feel connected to the people featured on this website, and I hope their stories provide comfort and inspiration.

We are in this together.

Thanks for visiting! Check back as new stories will be added weekly!

Do you have a story to share?